The BNMA BN Repository
This repository is a resource for posting and downloading Bayesian network models for sharing with others and for providing supporting material for publications. Please respect authors' rights where noted.
1 BN found.
Shark management survey analysis

In our recently published article “A scenario study of the acceptability to ocean users of more and less invasive management after shark-human interactions”, Bayesian Network (BN) was chosen as the principal analysis tool for identifying patterns from a study of 1769 valid responses from a survey which was open to all Australian residents aged 18 or over. The study was aimed to (1) Improve understanding of community attitudes in NSW to shark management options, and (2) Improve understanding of contextual influences on attitudes to shark bite mitigation approaches and how authorities should respond following an interaction. A modified BN model (26 nodes, 54 links) was proposed (implemented in Netica version 6.09) to improve the prediction performance of those four variables of risk management policy/strategy in the original BN model (26 nodes, 44 links) (implemented in Netica version 6.05)