Table of Contents
Program Committee
Table of Contents
Real-time event recognition from video via a ``bag-of-activities''
Rolf Baxter, Neil M. Robertson and David Lane Ontology-based generation of Object Oriented Bayesian Networks
Mouna Ben Ishak, Philippe Leray and Nahla Ben Amor Building a Real-Time System for High-Level Perception
Denver Dash and Long Quoc Tran Constructing Bayesian Networks for Linear Dynamic Systems
Sander Evers and Peter J.F. Lucas Exploratory network analysis of large social science questionnaires
Robert J. B. Goudie, Sach Mukherjee and Frances Griffiths Constructing a Dynamic Bayes Net Model of Academic Advising
Joshua T. Guerin and Judy Goldsmith Context-dependent Incremental Intention Recognition through Bayesian Network Model Construction
The Anh Han and Luis Moniz Pereira Using Bayesian Belief Networks for Modeling of Communication Service Provider Businesses,
Pekka Kekolahti Requirements for Developing Strategic Decision Facilitation and Event Prediction Tools
Oscar Kipersztok Modeling Dynamic Systems with Memory: What Is the Right Time-Order?,
Anna Lupinska-Dubicka and Marek J. Druzdzel A decision support-system for the mediastinal staging of non-small cell lung cancer
Manuel Luque, Francisco Javier Diez and Carlos Disdier Using Tree Augmented Naive Bayesian Classifiers to Improve Engine Fault Models
Daniel L.C. Mack, Gautam Biswas, Xenofon D. Koutsoukos and Dinkar Mylaraswamy Anomaly Detection in Vessel Tracks using Bayesian networks
Steven Mascaro, Kevin B. Korb and Ann E. Nicholson ABC-BN: A tool for building, maintaining and using Bayesian networks in an environmental management application
Ann E. Nicholson, Owen Woodberry, Steven Mascaro, Alicia Lucas, Adrian Moorrees and Kevin B. Korb Does Query-Based Diagnostics Work?
Parot Ratnapinda and Marek J. Druzdzel A Web-based Tool for Expert Elicitation in Distributed Teams
Carlo Spaccasassi and Lea Deleris
Author index