The BNMA BN Repository
This repository is a resource for posting and downloading Bayesian network models for sharing with others and for providing supporting material for publications. Please respect authors' rights where noted.
3 BNs found.
Separable 2
A simple example of a separable (termed 'abnormal' by Zhang) decision net, and the 2 nets it can be separated into. See Separable1 for an even simpler example. This network shows only dependencies, and does not include any numerical relationships.
BN link: <>
Separable 1
The simplest example of a separable (termed 'abnormal' by Zhang) decision net, and the 2 nets it can be separated into. This network shows only dependencies, and does not include any numerical relationships.
BN link: <>
Waterhole Fence
An assessment of the expected value of putting in a fence to promote plant survival, in the face of factors that affect the durability of the fence.